Our Mission
To connect foster youth, families, and service providers to innovate tools and resources while bridging gaps in child welfare technology.
We hope to get innovative, user-centric technology into the hands of child welfare stakeholders by aggregating and providing crowdsourced feedback on current products, connecting product ideas to developers and technical experts, and helping child welfare agencies procure better technology.
The Problem

Child welfare is full of problems in need of solutions. Social workers spend more time on data entry than interacting with families despite their prefernce, and families and youth who don't know about the services available to them and feel voiceless int eh monolothic child welfare system. Resource families don't have access to essential information about the children in their care, kinship guardians struggle to navigate a system that's new to them, and supervisors are unable to measure the success of new programs and policies in real time because of bureaucratic barriers. Innovative uses of data and technology can change this.
The Solution
Digital Foster will be the one stop shop for all stakeholders looking to find, use, build, or scale products in child welfare. One functionality will be to aggregate and organize the products out there for the child welfare space, where they can be easily found and used. Another functionality will be to connect those who hope to scale or build products for child welfare to developers, designers, and other innovators who can help them achieve their goals. Finally, Digital Foster will provide guidance to agencies hoping to procure better, more user-centered products and technology for their agencies.