Help build something life-changing

Calling all rockstar developers, ux & ui designers, and data geeks: we need you to help improve services and make a difference in children's lives.

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Sumbmit an idea for a project to build

Have an idea for a product that could enhance your child services but need additional resources to build it? Fill out our request form and submit it today.

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Visit our product library to find human-centered tools for youth, families, and service providers to help strengthen families and find safety, permanency, and wellbeing faster for youth.

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Why it Matters

When social workers, supervisors, resource families, biological families, and communities have access to technology designed for them, we can improve and transform processes to prevent children and families from touching the child welfare system in the first place. We can also help epose those who do not enter the system reach safety, permanency, and well-being quickly and in a more human-centered way.

Read Our Mission